Stabilizing Our Inner Balance -Dorothy Rowe Audio Healing

Dorothy Rowe, Intuitive Consultant, conducts an audio healing to stabilize our innner balance.
Video Credits: PEXELS/Ruvim Miksanskiy and Pixabay
Overview of this healing:
–Healing intention is so simple. Just opening the door for the unresolved feelings to resolve into the ocean of Pure Being.
–Clearing the belief that it is better to overwhelm the nervous system for the sake of expanding consciousness than to not expand consciousness
–There are infinite ways to expand consciousness, many of which do not overwhelm the nervous system.
–Clearing fear of the unknown through you to the collective of humanity. Clearing the fear of walking a challenging path.
—Clearing deeper layers of fear that treading a path of refinement requires letting go of one’s uniqueness and autonomy to do as you please, and the illusion that such freedom is always evolutionary.
–What we are establishing in this session is growth that optimizes health of the nervous system. By working with the nervous system, the health in all areas is upheld.
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Published in Energy Work & Healing, Videos