Purity And Truth Lead To Balanced Health – Dorothy Rowe Audio Healing

Dorothy Rowe, Intuitive Consultant, conducts an energy healing for health.
Video credits: PEXELS/Pixabay
Quotes mentioned in video:
"The moral virtues, then, are produced in us neither by nature nor against nature. Nature, indeed, prepares in us the ground for their reception, but their complete formation is the product of hablit" — Aristotle
"Virtue is the golden mean between two vices, the one of excess and the other of deficiency." — Aristole
Overview of this healing:
—If we try to manipulate the body without a subtle body foundation in place, the seed of the problem will manifest in some other way, or symptoms will return. A download for putting the healing process in order is being received.
—The nature of the material world draws awareness away from that radiant Core of Life. The tenderest, loving intention to unite these two aspects of reality (material and Core) leads to the unfolding of one’s full potential, full health, and heart’s joy.
—Clearing resistance, self sabotage, attachment to dramas, and the belief that some personal freedom will be lost if one functions in a more virtuous manner. We act with wisdom for the sake of greater freedom.
—A download is being received at this time to reveal the original intention for your presence in this world, for the value of Divine expression that you bring through living.
—Purity (virtue) brings delight. It elicits a response of joy in the whole energy field. This wave of joy adds to the universal voice that supports all life.
—The integration of Purity and Truth creates a triad with the Pure Life Force emerging constantly from the Source of creation. This three fold structure in the causal body forms a foundation upon which all material expressions can arise to effortlessly support success in every aspect of life.
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❤️Live Webinars with Dorothy Rowe: https://www.distanceenergywork.com
Definitions of terms used in this video may be found on Dorothy’s Energy Healing Knowledge Base: https://www.distanceenergywork.com/energy-healing-knowledge-base/
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Published in Energy Work & Healing, Videos